Interesting facts you should know about yarn types


We spend a lot of money on clothes every year and we don’t even take a second to think what kind of materials are actually touching our body and our skin in general, if those materials are healthy, the conditions they are produced in and if all the places of production are as clean and regulated as Kobao industries, for example. So let’s talk about yarn today and share some interesting facts about it that might make you think twice before you buy some item of clothing next time.

1.  How many types of yarn are there?

Just like any other material, there are a lot of different types of yarn that are used in textile industry daily and you wouldn’t even classify it as yarn because when you think of it, you only imagine that yarn that we used for knitting scarves and sweaters. So yes, you might want to ask yourself what the best yarn for knitting scarves is because they are in close contact with the sensitive skin of your neck. Apart from wool yarn types, Then you have those fuzzy yarn types that look amazing but they are not as soft as types of cotton yarn. There aer plenty of cotton yarn types that are used in making all sorts of clothing items – from leggings to socks to T-shirts.

2.  Are there polyester yarn types?

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yarn types

You cannot imagine how much of the fashion market is packed with polyester yarn types. However, it is important to say that they are mostly used in clothing in making sportswear and gym clothes in general and some people say that they like what polyester yarn feels on their skin because it is more or less elastic and that is perfectly fine when you are exercising as it is one of those breathable yarn materials. When you look at yarn types chart, you will see that polyester is just one of those very thin materials that you need to work on delicately in order to produce high quality items of clothing.

3.  What makes place of yarn production so important?

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yarn types

Yarn market is such a wide market that we cannot even begin to imagine how big it is and we need to pay attention to where our clothes comes from. Yarn must be produced in a certain way and using some particular machines that can produce high quality yarn but that are also kept in well condition and where regular maintenance is done. You know very well that not all yarn weighs the same and that there are types of yarn weight dependent so that means that they much be produced in different conditions as well. Not all of the places produce the same types of yarn either so you need to know how to tell if yarn is cotton or acrylic or how to tell the difference between wool and acrylic as well because then you can get some idea about the quality of the production.


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